Saturday, August 20, 2011

In this Dunya...

- People will only ask you about the kind of car you have.
♥ But Allah will ask you about the people to whom you offered a ride, when they had no means of transport.

- People will only ask you about the size of your house.
♥ But Allah will also ask you how many persons you invited in that house.

- People will only ask you about the number of cloths you have in your closet.
♥ But Allah will also ask you how many times you donated clothes for the needy.

- People may ask you how much you get paid for your job.
♥ But Allah will also ask you how you spent your salary and how many times you gave Sadaqah (charity).

- People may ask you about your rank at work.
♥ But Allah will also ask you how you performed that work.

- People would ask you about the number of friends you have.
♥ Allah will also ask you how many friends you were faithful to.

- People would only ask you about your neighborhood.
♥ Allah will ask you if you were a good neighbor.

- People may only ask you about your color skin.
♥ Allah will ask you how much taqwah (piety) you had in your heart.

- People may ask you when you started to believe in Allah and became closer to Him.
♥ Allah will just grant you Paradise and save you from hell fire.

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