Sunday, September 11, 2011

A Beautiful Story About QURAN.

 Why do we read Quran, even if we can't understand a single Arabic word????

This is a beautiful story.

An old American Muslim lived on a farm in the mountains of eastern Kentucky with his young grandson. Each morning Grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table reading his Quran. His grandson wanted to be just like him and tried to imitate him in every way he could.

One day the grandson asked, "Grandpa! I try to read the Quran just like you but I don't understand it, and what I do understand I forget as soon as I close the book. What good does reading the Qur'an do?"

The Grandfather quietly turned from putting coal in the stove and replied, "Take this coal basket down to the river and bring me back a basket of water.

The boy did as he was told, but all the water leaked out before he got back to the house. The grandfather laughed and said, "You'll have to move a little faster next time," and sent him back to the river with the basket to try again. This time the boy ran faster, but again the basket was empty before he returned home. Out of breath, he told his grandfather that it was impossible to carry water in a basket, and he went to get a bucket instead.

The old man said, "I don't want a bucket of water; I want a basket of water. You're just again trying hard enough," and he went out the door to watch the boy try in.

At this point, the boy knew it was impossible, but he wanted to show his grandfather that even if he ran as fast as he could, the water would leak out before he got back to the house. The boy again dipped the basket into river and ran hard, but when he reached his grandfather the basket was again empty. Out of breath, he said, "See Grandpa, it's useless!"

"So you think it is useless?" The old man said, "Look at the basket."

The boy looked at the basket and for the first time realized that the basket was different. It had been transformed from a dirty old coal basket and was now clean, inside and out.

Son, that's what happens when you read the Qur'an . You might not understand or remember everything, but when you read it, you will be changed, inside and out when you read time by time . That is the work of Allah in our lives...."

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Mujahidah Ansarullah

Mujahidah itu…
Hati meresahkan kesal menolak cintanya,
Api cinta marak dipendam bahangnya,
kerna itu Rahsia hati dan cintanya,
Pada Allah saja diceritakan rahsianya,
Terusan berdoa memohon kepada-Nya,
Moga itu terbaik buat dirinya…

Mujahidah itu…
Di luaran dia tenang,
Dalam hati iman menentang,
Dalam hati nafsu berperang,
Antara dua cinta yang bertandang,
Namun, cinta Allah selalu menang,
Cinta kedua dilepaskan terbang…
Hari demi hari terus menyapa,
Kata orang mengapa tak punya rasa,
Sedangkan dia masih remaja,
Kata orang mengapa dia bahagia,
Sedangkan dia tak punya cinta,
Kata orang mengapa mantap hatinya,
Sedangkan dia tiada rijal penguatnya,
Mulut itu mulut mereka,
Sabarlah, biarkan saja…

Mujahidah itu…
Rabiatul Adawiyah itulah idolanya,
Sumayyah itulah obornya,
Khawlah itulah kecemburuannya,
Nusaybah itulah pahlawannya,
Fatimah itulah teladannya,
Aishah itulah buktinya,
Khadijah itulah kebanggaannya…

Mujahidah itu…
Dia mahu jadi bidadari,
Terus solehah di jalan Ilahi,
Itu mimpinya di malam hari,
Itu angannya di siang hari,
Itu bicaranya sehari-hari,
Menjadi isteri sentiasa berbakti,
Kepada suami bakal berbudi,
Pilihan Allah akan terbukti!
Ia janji yang sangat pasti!

Mujahidah itu…
Tidak takut kehilangan cintanya,
Biar pelbagai ujian melanda,
Lelaki itu, perlukan masa,
Memilih buat diri mereka,
Pilihan yang semestinya istimewa,
Calon ibu, buat zuriatnya!
Penyeri dunia, itulah temannya!
Di Syurga, itulah bidadarinya!
Membuat lelaki segan dengannya,
Menyedarkan, lelaki melainkan peranan,
Bahawa wanita bukan mainan,
Tetapi mutiara itulah nilaian…

Ya, mujahidah itu..
menghitung langkahnya,
Muhasabah dirinya,
katanya, dia masih banyak kurangnya!
Hanya menggeleng kepala..
Tatkala datangnya lelaki menggoda
Hanya bisu berdiam saja,
Diam maknanya iman sahaja bersuara,
Pandangan matanya dibutakan sahaja,
Buta maknanya hatinya mula berkata,
Rijal kekasih Allah itu yang diharapnya!
Pejuang agama itulah pembimbingnya!
Redha ibubapa itulah pilihannya!
Bukannya rijal yang sebaliknya…

Mujahidah itu…
Bukan dia tidak punya hati
Tetapi hatinya sudah mati,
Tatkala ummat Muhammad dilukai,
Hatinya menangis penuh ngerti,
Tatkala jasad saudaranya dikelar sana-sini,
Hatinya meraung penuh simpati,
Tatkala adik seakidah dirogoli,
Dibunuh tanpa secebis insani,
Hatinya jadi benar-benar mati,
Tak punya masa untuk bekasihani…

Mujahidah itu…
Tidak dia rasa kekurangan,
Kerna sudah cukup adanya Tuhan,
Tidak dia sepi sendirian,
Bila sentiasa bertemankan Tuhan,
Dia umpama permata yang bersilaun,
Kerdipnya menyilau pandangan,
Dialah wanita harapan Tuhan,
Kebanggaan umat zaman berzaman…

Mujahidah itu…
Menjadi gadis sudah fitrahnya,
Menjadi pilihan bukan pintanya,
Sebagai penyeri itulah hakikatnya,
Menjadi khalifah itulah tugasnya,
Membuat silap bukan sekali,
Namun mengalah tidak sekali,
Menjadi seorang mukminat sejati,
Itulah usahanya setiap hari…

Mujahidah itu…
Tetaplah dirinya teguh di satu jalan…
Menjadi bidadari sememangnya impian…
Melangkah dengan sejuta harapan…
Mengejar cinta dan keredhaan Tuhan…
Moga beroleh Syurga idaman…
Ameen…Ya Rabbb...

Friday, September 9, 2011


Duhai angin..
Jika kau berhembus lembut melaluinya,
Katakan padanya, aku terlalu rindu akan detik-detik manis bersamanya..

Duhai air..
Jika kau mengalir di sisinya, beritahulah padanya,
Aku pohon maaf atas segalanya yang mengguris hati dan jiwanya..

Duhai unggas..
Jika kau terbang melintasinya, sampaikan pesanan ini kepadanya..
"Kita berdua dipertemukan kerana takdir Allah..kita bersama atas kasih persaudaraan..kita dipisahkan kerana batas waktu seharian.."

Namun takku biar kasih ini kelayuan..
Kan ku siram agar ia subur berpanjangan..
Doa yang ku panjatkan untukmu kan selalu terangkai dalam satu jambangan..
Harumnya tersebar ke serata alam..hanya untukmu..
Seorang yang sangat ku hargai...

Kau adalah sahabatku buat selamanya,
Semoga dirimu sentiasa mekar dalam bimbingan cinta Ilahi..ameenn.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Way of Expression Can Change Your Life

A blind man was begging on side of the street with a board written: "I'M BLIND, HELP ME".

Once a man passing that side saw him, he took his board and wrote something. From that time the blind man got heavy collection. Many people started giving money to him.

Can you guess what he wrote?

The way of expressing can change many things.
So, express your ideas in different ways.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Ya Allah...

Ku mohon pada-Mu, bahagiakanlah sahabatku ini di kala ujian melanda mahupun nikmat yang mencurah-curah.

Berkatilah segala amalnya di dunia ini yang akan menjadi saksi di akhirat kelak. Moga-moga syurga yg diimpikan itulah tempat tinggalnya buat selama-lamanya.

Ya Allah...

Kurniakanlah buatnya seorang pembantu dalam menggerakkan agama-Mu. Moga-moga syahid yang diburu menjadi kemanisan di pengakhiran kehidupannya.

Amin Ya Robb..

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Don’t worry!

The sick ones will be healed,
The absent ones will return,
The sad ones will rejoice,
The distress will be relieved,
The sorrow will end,
The bitterness will be erased,
This is Allah’s promise, and He never fails in His promises.

"For truly, with hardship comes ease; truly, with hardship comes ease.” (94:5-6)

Don’t be sad, Allah repeats the word “ease” in this ayah twice so that your heart would be reassured and your chest would be expanded. So, why would you be worried?

Smile you have Allah, the Greatest by your side.. :)

Monday, September 5, 2011

Let His Love Remain

Why did you keep your burden inside you when you have Allah to tell it to?

Why did you fear everyone might hate you when you have Him who understands you?

Why did you fill your heart with pain and anguish when you have Him
to fill it with eternal bliss?

Why did you choose to settle in turbulence when there’s His pure love
that speaks of peace?

Allah never left you alone,
He was with you all along,
He was tapping your shoulder when you almost wanted to stop,
He was putting a smile on your face when you almost wanted to give up.

Allah has seen the real person in you yearning,
He was wiping your tears off when you were down crying,
He has all the answers to all your questions but you just didn’t care,
You didn’t let Him be your guide because you weren’t sure if for you,
He was there.

Open your heart,
Let Allah wash away the hurt,
Embrace the greatest love He, alone could give you,
He will never doubt you, just be true.

Allah loves what He made,
“Nobody loves me,” that’s what you said,
He wants to see you smile so never lose hope,
So now hang on to His Paradise of heaven’s rope.

Pray to Allah for He listens to all prayers,
Believe in Him alone and not the deceiving others,
Do what He says for He is your mentor,
Love Him truly and not the impostor.

So listen now,
Look up and take it slow,
Walk on to the life Allah chose you to live,
Live your life with Him and you will never grieve.

When you are in a discourse with no more to tell, let Allah’s love
be your word,
When you are in a battle unarmed, let His love be your sword,
When you feel cold, let His love warm you,
When you stumble and fall, let His love catch you.

When you can no longer think, let Allah’s love quicken your memory,
When no one understands you, let Allah’s love be searched,
When no one listens to you, let His love be heard,
When no one believes in you, let His love be seen,
When no one trusts you, let His love be serene.

When you are weak, let Allah’s love be your strength,
When you can no longer smile, let His love be sent,
When you are lost, let His love be your way,
When you can no longer speak, let His love tell you what to say.

When you are hurting, let His love be your therapy.
When you feel like giving up, let Allah’s love push you,
When you feel tired and fed up, let His love’s purpose pursue,
When you reach the pinnacle of your journey,
The angels of the heavens will welcome you finally.

So go on,
Walk to Allah’s throne,
Dry your eyes now and believe,
You have a beautiful life to live.

Stand up and don’t be afraid,
Walk on to where the truth is laid,
Feel the presence of Allah’s love in every air that you breathe,
Feel the might of His power in every drop of hope you grip.

Walk on to the road leading to His heavens’ grandeur,
Put your best foot forward and think not of the obscure,
Don’t go a day without his love, you will never falter,
Don’t let the devil deceive your heart, Allah shall conquer it forever.

So, smile now oh dear,
Now it’s all clear,
The Almighty Allah is forgiving,
Just let go of your hurting.

Hold on and believe in Allah’s love,
That’s the best you can have,
Please never weep again,
And in your heart, let His love remain.

Let The Love Of Allah Remain In The Heart....

Sunday, September 4, 2011

~ ♥:::♥:::♥ ~

Ketika kita mencintai-Nya,
Sesungguhnya Dia telah lebih jauh menyayangi kita.

Ketika kita memohon pada-Nya,
Dengan sepenuh cinta Dia memberi yang kita pinta.

Ketika kita mendekat pada-Nya,
Dia telah lebih dulu merangkul kita.

Walaupun ketika kita jauh dari-Nya,
Dia selalu membuka pintu maaf-Nya untuk kita.

Maka, mengapa betapa banyak dari kita,
Yang menjauh dari-Nya.

Seakan lupa siapa pencipta,
Kerana terlelap oleh kemewahan dunia.

Maka, cintailah Dia sepenuh jiwa,
Meski cinta kita tak pernah bisa menandingi cinta-Nya.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Just Remember...

When things are down, and you are out of your mind, just remember, Allah (swt) is the All-Kind.

When your life is in darkness, and nothing is right, just remember, through the darkness, Allah (swt) is the Light.

When nothing makes sense, and your heading for demise, just remember, it doesn't make sense but, Allah (swt) is the All-Wise.

When times are troubled, and no one seems to care, just remember, Allah (swt) won't hurt you, He is Just.

When your heart is breaking, and your pain makes you fall, just remember, Allah (swt) sees all.

When you are weak, and the road seems long, just remember; seek strength from the All-Strong.

When life is a burden, and everything is unstable, just remember, Allah (swt) is Able to do all.

When the way is cloudy, and there is no one by your side, just remember, Allah (swt) is the Only Guide.

When no one wants to listen, or is willing to lend an ear, just remember, Allah (swt) is the All-Hearing.

When you are poor and penniless, and you are stuck in a niche, just remember, Allah (swt) is the Rich.

When you are down in your misery, and there is no where to run, just remember, you can always run to the One.

When you’re all alone, and your pain has no end, just remember, Allah (swt) is the only one you can depend on.

And when your scars are hurting, and your heart is in fear, just remember, Allah (swt) is with those who are patient.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Dear sister ♥

When you love a guy, don’t share love songs with him nor tell him love words. Don’t draw a heart for him and write your names in it. Keep your modesty and shyness, confess your love on your Salat mat, only to The All Hearing, The Watchful, The Knower of the unseen and the seen, raise your hands after every salat and make this dua':

“Oh Allah I love one of your servants, so make it easy for him to obey You. Protect him from your disobedience, grant him Your heaven and protect him from hell fire. Grant him all the goodness, forgive his sins of the past and of the future, You are the Most Merciful, The Forgiver. Oh Allah, if he is good for me, join us together, but if he’s not, then turn him away from me and don’t let my heart get attached to him.”