Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ya Allah....izinkan aku ke sana....

Saya pasti, ramai yang sudah mengetahui akan kisah penghijrahan pelakon Azmil Mustapha daripada kehidupan yang penuh ‘lagha’ kepada pengabdian diri kepada Allah. Namun, saya mengambil peluang ini untuk berkongsi sesama kita untuk meneliti segala pandangan dan pengalaman yang dihadapinya dalam sepanjang proses penghijrahannya. Semoga kisah ini dijadikan dorangan kepada kita semua untuk melakukan penghijrahan yang serupa.

Apabila disebut nama Azmil Mustapha, majoriti generasi muda tidak akan dapat mengecam siapa orangnya. Tetapi sebut saja Ali Setan, ‘berkat’ daripada siaran ulangan filem tersebut di kaca televisyen, semua orang tidak kira yang kecil atau dewasa dari kalangan peminat filem Melayu pasti mengenal pelakon tersohor Malaysia dekad 80-an ini. Azmil, 55 (umur yang dikira beliau mengikut takwim hijri 22 Safar 1375H) adalah antara sebilangan artis di Malaysia yang melakukan ‘penghijrahan’ daripada kehidupan yang penuh ‘lagha’ kepada pengabdian diri kepada Allah.

Penampilan terakhirnya adalah sebagai Pengiran Demak dalam filem ‘Puteri Gunung Ledang’, watak yang diilakonkan setelah syarat-syaratnya yang ketat diterima penerbit. Duda (mempunyai seorang anak dengan bekas isteri pertama dan empat dengan isteri kedua) dari Shah Alam, Selangor ini telah musafir ke Syria sejak setahun lalu untuk mempelajari bahasa Arab dan ilmu agama.

Wartawan Global Media Channel (GMC) berkesempatan menemuramah Azmil di Kota Bharu (beliau kembali ke Malaysia sempena cuti semester pengajiannya) yang hadir memenuhi undangan untuk menyampaikan ceramah kesedaran Islam anjuran PAS Kawasan Ketereh baru-baru ini.

Kenapa saudara memilih untuk ke Syria?

Saya buat solat hajat, minta dengan Allah, saya nak cari tempat belajar, Allah berikan petunjuk belajar di Syria. Dengan duit yang saya dapat dari menyampaikan ceramah-ceramah kesedaran Islam sebelum itu di Malaysia, saya terbang ke Syria dengan anak-anak saya.

Saya belajar Bahasa Arab di Maahad Taalim Lughatal Arabiah Lil Ajnabi (Institut Pengajian Bahasa Arab Bagi Orang Asing). Kalau saya terus masuk kelas (pengajian agama) anjuran syeikh-syeikh pun saya tak reti Bahasa Arab. Jadi saya belajar Bahasa Arab dahulu. Sementara itu saya belajar Al-Quran, tajwid dan tasmi’ dengan syeikh-syeikh. Saya juga belajar dengan pelajar-pelajar Malaysia yang ada di Syria.

Sejak bila sebenarnya saudara ke sana?

Sudah setahun. Saya pergi redah sahaja. Tak ada buat rancangan. Dengan empat orang anak saya turut bersama (tiga perempuan dan seorang lelaki). Yang sulung kemudiannya balik untuk mengambil peperiksaan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) di sini. Jadi kekallah tiga orang yang tinggal bersama saya di sana. Anak saya Noramalia Batrisya ,15, dan Mohd. Bazli Shafri, 13, belajar di Jami’ Abu Nur, sebuah kolej Islam antara yang termasyhur di Syria. Yang kecil baru masuk umur tujuh tahun dan belajar di darjah satu. Enam bulan pertama mereka dimasukkan dalam kelas bahasa Arab. Tidak ada masalah untuk mereka mengikuti pengajian dan sekarang sudah fasih berbahasa Arab. Saya amat puas hati dengan perkembangan mereka.

Puas hati macam mana?

Dengan perubahan perwatakan. Di Malaysia, dekat Shah Alam tempat kami tinggal dahulu banyak pengaruh yang tidak sihat. Cara hidup moden. Tapi di sana mereka mengaji Quran tiap-tiap hari, solat tidak tinggal dan pergaulan dijaga. Malah mereka sempat menasihati kakak yang pulang ke Malaysia “jangan tengok lelaki” bukan berkawan, tengok pun mereka tak bagi.

Di sana pergaulan antara lelaki dan perempuan amat dibatasi. Kita payah nak lihat pergaulan secara bebas berlaku. Duduk satu meja pun tak ada. Kalau di Yaman, negeri yang berjiran dengan Syria, dalam bas kalau hanya ada seorang wanita yang menjadi penumpang, yang lelaki tidak akan naik dan sanggup tunggu bas yang lain datang untuk dinaiki. Bimbang timbul fitnah walaupun hanya sebagai penumpang. Masing-masing sangat prihatin untuk menjaga perkara ini.

Antara perubahan yang ketara saya dapat lihat adalah pada anak perempuan saya, Noramaliya. Dia sebenarnya pelajar yang lemah. Semasa bersekolah di Malaysia, biasanya dia mendapat kedudukan 35 ke bawah. Dulu tinggal di Shah Alam, dia selalu ponteng sekolah. Tengok wayang di KLCC. Pergi ke sekolah tapi dalam beg ada pakaian lain untuk ditukar. Itu dah memang menjadi tabiat pelajar sekolah di Malaysia. Sampai di Syria, dia jadi pelajar yang terbaik. Padahal dalam kelas ada pelajar-pelajar luar negara yang lain seperti dari England, Afrika Selatan, Kazakhstan, China dan lain-lain. Dia yang muncul pelajar terbaik.

Bagaimana saudara menyara kehidupan di Syria?

Tidak ada pendapatan tetap tapi saya sangat bernasib baik kerana mendapat bantuan. Saya diberi tempat tinggal percuma oleh seorang Syeikh di sebuah apartmen di pinggir Damsyik. Saya akui duit pun tak banyak tapi diam tak diam sudah sampai setahun saya di sana dan tidak timbul sebarang masalah besar. Kita kena yakin rezeki itu datang daripada Allah. Ada saja duit yang masuk. Sentiasa ada bantuan diterima kerana saya dan anak-anak dikira orang yang sedang menuntut ilmu.

Malah ia sampai ke tahap saya kadang kala terpaksa buang makanan yang diberi oleh jiran kerana terlampau banyak. Dan di sana kita yang pergi belajar dengan Syeikh ini bukan kita yang membayar Syeikh tapi mereka pula yang memberi duit pada kita. Perkara ini sudah jadi kebiasaan orang Syria. Jika tidak pun, dia akan beri kita roti setiap kali pergi belajar. Pergi solat Jumaat pun dapat duit. Budaya memberi amat dititikberatkan. Paling kurang, yang dewasa akan menyediakan gula-gula dalam poket untuk diberi kepada kanak-kanak.

Saya juga terkejut kerana kadang-kadang menerima sumbangan yang nilainya mencecah RM1000. Kalau yang kaya lebih lagilah mereka sumbangkan. Anak kepada Syeikh yang menyediakan rumah percuma untuk saya pernah menyumbang jutaan ringgit kepada fakir miskin dalam bulan Ramadhan. Kenapa saudara fikir perubahan-perubahan positif sama ada kepada anak atau saudara sendiri boleh berlaku? Adakah perbezaan antara Syria dan Malaysia ini begitu ketara sekali sedangkan kedua-duanya adalah bumi orang Islam?

Bumi Syria ini ada kelebihan. Saya daripada kecil sampai besar memang belajar di sekolah yang tidak berasaskan kepada Islam. Saya menuntut di dua buah sekolah mubaligh Kristian iaitu La Salle Institution dan St John Institution. Dari situ saya menyambung pula pelajaran ke Indiana University di Amerika. Daripada kecil sehingga dewasa, saya tidak pernah belajar dan khatam al-Quran.

(Di Amerika, Azmil belajar dengan pengkhususan dalam penerbitan televisyen, radio dan filem. Beliau hanya tinggal tiga lagi jam kredit untuk dihabiskan sebelum dihantar pulang ke Malaysia oleh Jabatan Imigresen Amerika. Tindakan itu diambil ketika Amerika membuat penapisan orang-orang Islam dari negara luar berikutan kemenangan kumpulan Islam (Syiah) menjatuhkan kerajaan beraja Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. Azmil dikesan bekerja sambilan walaupun syarat hanya membenarkan pelajar luar yang mempunyai 12 kredit atau lebih sahaja untuk berbuat demikian. Ayahnya Dato’ Mustapha Kamil Yassin, bekas pensyarah di Universiti Malaya dan Universiti Sains Malaysia tidak mahu Azmil mengambil biasiswa kerana kedudukannya sebagai kakitangan kerajaan gred A.

Mula-mula saya berubah dulu nak baca surah al- Fatihah pun tak boleh. Kena baca mengikut tulisan rumi. Nak sembahyang semua ayat kena ditulis ke huruf rumi. Tak pernah dapat hafal. Sehinggalah apabila saya ke Syria.

Di sana, anak-anak saya belajar Al-Quran dengan seorang syeikhah (ustazah) di rumahnya. Selepas sebulan syeikhah tersebut datang melawat ke rumah. Dia mahu melihat keadaan keluarga macam mana. Bila datang dia meminta saya mengajar anak-anak. Dia suruh saya baca satu surah. Bila “check” ayah baca pun tak betul, dia pun minta anak muridnya yang lain tolong ajarkan anak-anak saya.

Tapi alhamdulillah berkat mengaji tiap-tiap pagi, kini saya sudah boleh menghafal satu, dua muka surat dengan senang. Ini memang saya pelik. Saya rasa ini memang kesan tinggal di bumi Syam (Syria), bumi para anbiya’.

Dahulu negara ini tertutup. Sebab ia mengikut pengaruh Rusia. Jadi negara lain menyisihkannya. Apabila Syria disisihkan, ia sebenarnya terselamat. Macam di Malaysia, apabila dibuat dasar terbuka, semua pengaruh dapat masuk, ia merosakkan kita. Budak-budak sekarang budaya sendiri pun tak kenal. Dan dia tak mahu ikut. Dia lebih seronok ikut budaya asing, budaya Barat. Budaya ini di Melayukan dengan bahasa. Tapi isinya tetap dari pengaruh yang menyimpang dari ajaran Islam.

Adakah kerana saudara bimbangkan keadaan begini sehingga sanggup membawa anak-anak jauh dari Malaysia? Azmil Mustafa sebab benda inilah saya bawa anak-anak keluar. Bila saya bawa anak-anak keluar, ada kawan-kawan yang tegur saya. ”Jadi anak kamu ini tidak ada SPM. Macam mana nak cari kerja?”

Saya jawab balik, “Rezeki itu kerana Allah bukan kerana SPM”. Orang ada SPM pun berlambak tak ada kerja. Ada ijazah UM pun tak ada kerja. Ada Master USM pun tak kerja. Kita kena ingat rezeki itu dari Allah.

Sekarang anak-anak saya sudah hafal Juzuk 'Amma. Saya percaya dalam tiga empat tahun lagi, Insya Allah satu Quran tu dapat habis dihafal. Itu lebih berharga. Kalau dia jadi arkitek atau jurutera tapi Quran pun tak tahu buat apa. Macam saya dulu jadi pengarah filem tapi Quran pun tak tahu, buat apa?

Memberi pendidikan Islam pada anak-anak sehingga sampai berhijrah ke Syria. Orang lain mungkin tak berpeluang berbuat demikian macam saudara?

Saya rasa kalau kita ajar anak kita cara Islam tak ada kekurangannya bagi saya. Malahan Allah mungkin akan mecurahkan kemudahan kepadanya. Sekarang kita kongsi raya, kita kongsi hukum, kongsi taraf atau standard Islam dengan yang lain. Kita membandingkan ajaran Islam dengan yang Barat.

Kalau tak seperti Barat, kita anggap standard kurang. Kita campur aduk hukum Allah dengan hukum kafir. Inilah yang saya nampak masalah kita pada hari ini. Ini pun nak berlaku di Syria pada hari ini. Kalau di negara kita lama dah dijajah 500 tahun dahulu dan kita masih ‘terjajah’. Syria ini dia baru terbuka tak sampai 10 tahun. Jadi generasi dia sekarang dia baru rosak.

Kalau kita di Malaysia, kerosakan bermula sejak dari generasi bapa kita dahulu. Mareka agungkan England dan Amerika.
Tetapi bagi saya, kalau orang Syria nak ikut barat pun, agaknya kena juga dengan fizikal mereka itu. Tapi kita Melayu pun nak mata warna biru, rambut warna perang. Tak kenalah. Nampak janggal sangat kalau yang Melayu nak tiru.

Bagaimana kita hendak menghadapi perubahan budaya sebegitu? Di Syria, guru-guru yang pegangannya kuat masih bertahan. Kita di Malaysia, lebih banyak yang kebaratan daripada Islam. Kita di sini mereka yang nak kepada Islam sedikit, yang nak kepada barat banyak.

Dari sekolah itu yang diajar. Supaya kita bersedia dengan pengaruh dan sistem barat. Sekolah-sekolah kita, tamat persekolahan kita berpeluang belajar sampai ke universiti di Amerika, di England. Tetapi kalau kita keluar dari pondok atau sekolah agama, peluang sambung belajar itu tidak seberapa.

Apa yang kita lakukan adalah untuk menyesuaikan diri kepada budaya barat. Dan ini kita tak sedar. Kita seolah-olah nak menyediakan diri masuk ke institusi dan sistem yang kerap kalinya meruntuhkan jati diri Islam.

Dan yang peliknya, orang tidak bimbang kalau yang keluar tingkatan enam sekolah biasa tak boleh baca Alif Ba Ta. Nak masuk sekolah tahfiz pun payah sebab tak kenal huruf walaupun tamat tingkatan enam. Benda ni dah berlaku sejak zaman dulu lagi dan kita tidak sedar.

Saya cakap kepada seorang sahabat di Syria kenapa kamu ghairah nak buka peluang kepada barat. Saya dah tengok keadaan di negara saya apa yang berlaku. Dia kata mereka pun nak moden. Moden apa? Moden nak tengok anak-anak terbuang di tong sampah. Moden nak tengok anak-anak mati sia-sia kerana terlibat dengan lumba haram. Itu moden buat apa. Pembangunan sedemikian yang membangun hanya bangunan dan jalan raya. Akhlak runtuh.

Akhlak diruntuhkan kerana nak mencantikkan bangunan dan jalan. Sebab itu fikirlah, kerana tak ke mana kita dengan pembangunan sebegitu.

Kenapa remaja dan kita sendiri sebenarnya cenderung untuk meminati budaya hiburan?

Sebab memang sudah disediakan sejak daripada dulu. Pendidikan dan cara hidup disediakan untuk membolehkan anak-anak bersedia menerima sistem yang menyimpang dari bukan untuk menjadi hafiz atau ulama’. Penyediaan dilakukan untuk membawa masyarakat ke arah keseronokan.

Kalau kita tengok babak dalam filem Melayu, babak minum arak , berdansa, sejak dari zaman P Ramlee sudah ada.

Sejak sekolah lagi, anak-anak dibiasakan dengan budaya Barat. Ada sukan gimnastik sampai terkangkang anak-anak diajar guru; sukan renang, jadi separuh bogel. Kita disediakan untuk menerima budaya barat. Mana kita amalkan hukum syariah? Itu masalah kita.

Pada pandangan saudara, masalah keruntuhan akhlak ini bagaimana nak diselesaikan?

Sekarang kita taat pada hukum yang tidak berpaksikan Islam. Undang-undang yang dimulakan oleh British dahulu. Cuba kita gunakan hukum syariah, saya percaya gejala sosial yang teruk dalam negara dapat dikurangkan sebab kita menyediakan masyarakat untuk ke akhirat. Sekarang kalau membabitkan hukum Allah, ia dikira hak persendirian. Anda hendak buat atau tidak, itu pilihan anda sendiri. Tapi mereka (kerajaan) tak galakkan pun. Itulah masalah sekarang.

Bagaimana kita nak menyedarkan masyarakat?

Islam ini mesti dijalankan bermasyarakat. Tapi tanggungjawab itu tetap pada diri sendiri. Kita sendiri mesti mulakan dahulu. Contohnya kita dilatih berpuasa sama ada di dalam atau di luar rumah. Walau di mana pun kita tahu Allah melihat.

Sebab itu kita kena buat pilihan. Dua sahaja pilihan kita. Sama ada ikut jalan Allah atau ikut syaitan. Tidak ada jalan tengah. Tidak ada kompromi. Setiap benda yang berlaku dalam masyarakat dunia hari ini kita kena buat pilihan antara yang benar dengan yang tidak. Gunakan akal.

Islam ini agama untuk orang yang tahu berfikir. Bukan taat buta tuli. Kalau kita gunakan akal fikiran baru kita sedar. Kita kena fikir tentang keesaan Allah. Ini yang kita kena ajar anak-anak. Sekarang apa yang diajar ialah kena cari duit banyak-banyak. Bila ikut cara Islam barulah ada keberkatan.

Berbalik kepada dunia hiburan, adakah tidak ada ruang sebenarnya untuk ia menjadi lebih baik?

Boleh kalau industri kita industri yang beriman. Tapi industri kita meniru Bollywood, Hollywood, Hong Kong dan lain-lain. Kita menuju ke arah keruntuhan. Ini yang bahayanya.

Nasihat kepada rakan artis.

Pendek sahaja: Allah melihat apa yang kamu lakukan.

Wallahu a'lam.....

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Syarat Buat Bakal Menantuku

Bakal Menantuku,
Tiba saatnya nanti,
Kuserahkan puteriku sebagai amanah,
Kerana kuhormati tuntutan fitrah,
Hiasilah hidupnya dengan hasanah,
Pandulah cintanya menuju jannah.

Dia puteri kesayanganku,
Melepaskannya tak semudah itu,
Dengarkan terus bicaraku,
Ada syarat sebelum kumerestu.

Bakal Menantuku,
Cinta yang kau tawarkan penuh bahagia,
Tiada hati yang terluka,
Tiada cinta lain rasa dikhianati,
Tiada anak isteri terasa sepi.

Bakal Menantuku,
Kuingin menjadi ayah sewibawa Rasulullah,
Tak rela puterinya dimadukan,
Berjanjilah padaku dengan syarat ta’liq,
Jika nanti kau ingin duakannya tanpa rela.

Bakal Menantuku,
Semua puteri Rasulullah tak rela bermadu,
Begitu jugalah fitrah puteriku,
Allah memberikan pilihan,
Jika kau enggan, gugurlah penerimaan.

Bakal Menantuku,
Kuingin dia menjadi bidadarimu di sana,
Jangan sukarkan ujian hidupnya,
Dengan cinta lain yang kau undang bersama,
Kerana fitrah cinta, tiada dua,
Bimbang rosak agamanya kerana kecewa.

Kukenali puteriku berakhlak mulia,
Kukenali puteriku tekun beragama,
Perteguhkanlah dia dengan ketinggiannya,
Dengan hidup beragama selama-lamanya,
Jangan cintanya kau persia,
Sudikah syaratku kau terima?

- Abu Sara Faseeha -

Friday, July 29, 2011

Last Amazing Letter To His Wife

Ghazi Anwar Pasha was from amongst those great Mujahideen of Turkey who had spent all his life fighting against the enemies of Islam. Eventually he was martyred by the Russians. Only a day prior to this he sent a letter to his wife, Najiya Sultana. This letter was published by her in the Turkish newspapers, and after being transferred was published by her in the newspapers in India on the 22 April 1923. This letter is so touching and thought provoking that every young man should read it. An inspiring account of Mujahideen from the Ottaman period.

My Dearest Najiya,

My life companion and fountain of happiness and joy dearest Najiya. The Almighty Allah is your guardian. Your last letter is in front of me at this moment. Believe me, this letter of yours will always be close to my heart. I cannot see your face but in between the lines and words of your letter I can see your beautiful fingers which used to play with my hair in the dark interior of tent, occasionally your picture fills my eyes. You write that I have forgotten you and that i do not care for your love.

You say that I have broken your loving heart and playing with fire and blood in a distant forsaken and I am unmindful of a woman who spends the night anxiously counting the stars.

You also say that I like war and my sword. But little did you realise when writing these words of yours, which undoubtedly were written with sincerity, out of deep love and devotion for me, will my heart! How can I convince you [words are inadequate] that there is no one dearer to me in this world than you. You are the culmination of all my love and affection. I have never loved anyone before but you have stolen my heart.

Then what has separated me from you? O the joy of my heart! You can ask this question in a proper manner. Listen! I am not away from you because I desire material gains of wealth nor is it because I wish to establish a kingdom or throne for myself as my enemies have publicly intimated. The only reason that I am away from you is that Allah’s Obligatory Command has brought me here.

There is no greater fardh of Allah than Striving in the path of Allah. It is this command of Allah, the intention of fulfilling it entitles a person a place in Jannah.
Alhumdulillah I not only have the intention to fulfil this command but am actively carrying it out.

Your absence {judai}, like an arrow is cutting my heart into pieces every moment. Notwithstanding this I am happy in this separation as it is your true love, and your love which is the greatest test, a challenge to my intention and resolution of striving in the path of Allah Subhanu Wa Ta’aala.

I thank Allah Ta’aala a thousand times that I have been victorious in this test and have been successful in putting Allah’s love and command before my life, love and the pleasure of my desire {nafs}. You also, my darling must thank Allah Ta’ala and be happy that your husband possesses such a strong Imaan that he can always sacrifice your love for the love of Allah.

My wife, Your Jihad is that you must put Allah’s love before your love and pleasure and you must make the bond of love between your husband and you stronger.

Look, never ever pray that your husband must come safe and sound from the path of Allah into your loving arms. This prayer is selfish and Allah will not be pleased. Rather let your prayer be this, that Allah accept the striving of your husband and bring him back successfully otherwise let his lips imbibe the cup of martyrdom. These lips you know my darling have never been touched or dirtied by alcohol, but have always been kept busy with reciting the Holy Qur’an and humming the glory and praises of Allah Subhanu Wa Ta’aala.

Dearest Najiya! How blessed will that moment be when in the path of Allah this head which you affectionately called beautiful will be separated from the body which in your eyes was not a soldier’s body but a beloved’s body!

Anwar’s greatest wish is to be martyred and be judged on the day of Qiyammah with Hadrat Khalid bin Waleed {R.A.}, this world is a temporary one, death will definitely come, then why fear death? If death is definite, then why should a man die lying on a bed? Death in the path of Allah is not death but indeed life, everlasting life.

Najiaya listen to my will! If I am martyred you must marry by brother Noori Pasha. After you, the dearest peron to me is Noori. It is my wish that after my demise he will faithfully care for you during your lifetime. My next wish is that all the children you bear tell them about my life and send all of them out in the Path of Allah for the uplifment of Deen. Remember if you do not fulfil this wish of mine, I will be angry with you in Jannah.

Farewell, my dearest! I don’t know why my inner feelings tell me that after this letter I will never be able to write another letter to you. It is no wonder that I may be martyred tomorrow.

Look! make sabr, on my death be happy and do not mourn, because my death in the path of Allah is an honour for you. Najiya! I beg leave of you and in the world of thought I am embracing you.

Insya Allah we will meet in Jannah and thereafter we will never part.

Your Anwar,
Ghazi Anwar Pasha was martyred in the following day.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Why Should I Marry Her?

Once, there was a very handsome, pious, well educated young man, whose parents compelled him to get married. They had seen so many marriage proposals, and he had turned them all down. The parents thought that, it was becoming a little ridiculous or suspected that he may have someone else in mind.

However every time the parents left the girl's house, the young man would always say 'she is not the one for me'.

The young man only wanted a girl who was religious and practicing, however one evening his mother arranged for him, to meet a girl, who was religious, and practicing. On that evening, the young man, and girl, were left to talk, and ask each other questions. (As one would expect). The young man, being a gentleman that he was allowed, the lady to ask first.

The young girl asked the young man so many questions, she asked about his life, his education, his friends, his family, his habits, his hobbies, his lifestyle, his enjoyment, his pastime, his experiences, even his shoe size. The young man replied to all of her questions, politely, without tiring, and with a smile. The young girl took up nearly all of the time, over an hour, and felt bad, and asked the young man: "Do you have any questions for me?"

The young man said, "It's ok". I only have 3 questions. The young girl thought, "Wow, only 3 questions okay, shoot". The young man's first question was, "Whom do you love the most ?" She said, "This is an easy question; my mother", she replied and smiled.

Second question, he asked, "You said that you read a lot of Qur'an, could you tell me which surahs you know the meaning of?"

Hearing this she went red and embarrassed and said, I do not know the meaning of any yet, but I am hoping to learn few soon insha'allah. I've just been a bit busy.

The third question the young man asked was, "I have been approached for my hand in marriage, by girls that are more prettier than you, so why should I marry you?"

Hearing this the young girl was outraged, she stormed off to her parents with fury, and said I do not want to marry this man, he is insulting my beauty, and intelligence. And the young man and his parents, were once again, left without an agreement of marriage. This time, the young mans parents were really angry, and said what did you do to anger that girl, the family was so nice, pleasant, and they were religious like you wanted. "What did you ask the girl??" Tell us!

The young man said, "Firstly I asked her, whom do you love the most? She said, her mother."

The parents said "So, what is wrong with that??" The young man said, ''No one, is Muslim, until he loves Allah, and his/her messenger (saw) more than anyone else in the world. If a woman loves Allah and the Prophet (pbuh) more than anyone, she will love me and respect me, and stay faithful to me, because of that love, and fear for Allah (swt), and we can share this love, because this love is greater than lust for beauty".

The young man said, "Then I asked, you read a lot of Qur'an, can you tell me the meaning of any surah? And she said no, because I haven't had time yet." So I thought of that hadith: 'ALL humans, are dead except for those who have knowledge'. She has lived 20 years by now and didn't had any time, to seek knowledge of Qur'an. How can I marry a woman, who does not know her rights, and responsibilities, and what will she teach my children, except how to be negligent, because the woman is the madrasah (school) and the best of teachers to her children.

"The third question I asked her was, that a lot of girls, more prettier than her, had approached me for marriage, so why should I choose you? Upon this, she stormed off, getting angry". The young man's parents said "That was a horrible thing to ask, why did you do ask that question, we are going back there to apologise". The young man said "I said this for a specific purpose, to test whether she could control her anger or not. The Prophet (saw) said: 'Do not get angry, do not get angry, do not get angry' when asked how to become pious; because anger is from Syaitan. If a woman can't control her anger with a stranger she has just met, do you think she will be able to control it with her husband??".

A wise man said : Real men don’t love the most beautiful girl in the world. They love the girl who can make their world the most beautiful.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Be A Thankful Person...

Arthur Robert Ashe, Jr. the legendary Wimbledon player was a prominent African American Tennis player who was born and raised in USA, was dying of AIDS. From world over, he received letters from his fans, one of which conveyed: "Why does GOD have to select you for such a bad disease?"

To this Arthur Robert Ashe, Jr. replied: The world over.

5 Crore children start playing Tennis,
50 Lakh learn to play Tennis,
5 Lakh learn professional Tennis,
50,000 come to the circuit,
5000 reach the Grand Slam titles,
50 reach Wimbledon,
4 to semi final,
2 to the finals,

When I was holding a cup I never asked GOD "Why me?"
And today in pain I should not be asking GOD "Why me?"

Be thankful to GOD for 99.99% of good things in life.

When I hear somebody sigh, 'Life is hard,' I am always tempted to ask, 'Compared to what?' - Sydney J. Harris

Invite others towards good with wisdom. Live life with no excuse and love with no regrets. When life gives you a 100 reasons to cry, show life that you have 1000 reasons to smile. Learn from your past without regret. Handle your present with confidence. Prepare for the future without fear. Keep the faith in GOD and drop the fear.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Dad, Let's Accept The Truth

One day, a rich father took his beloved son to a near by village on a trip. He actually wanted to show him how poor someone can be. They spent few days on the farm of a poor Muslim family.

On the way home, the father asked his son: "Dear, did you see how poor they are? How miserable their life is, can you tell me all that you have learned from this trip?"

The son replied: "Yes dad! I have learned something what you couldn't teach me for so many years and nor did my teachers at school."

"Dear dad! We have a pool, but they have rivers, we have lanterns at night, but they have stars. We have costly cars which are fuel dependant, but they have horses which are free. We have to breath the polluted air, but they don't have to. We buy our food, but they grow theirs. We have guards to protect us, but they have friends. We have encyclopedias, but they have one magnificent and glorious book called Qur'an."

Then he added: "Thanks dad, for showing me how poor really we are. Surely we have big things but not great things. We are rich from outside but miserably poor inside."

"Dear dad, lets live a life with some standards instead of living a standard life. I see with my heart what I can't with my eyes. Dad...let's accept the truth before it's too late.."

Monday, July 25, 2011

Daddy – Can I have $10?

 A man came home from work late, tired and irritated, to find his 5 year old daughter waiting for him at the door.

“Daddy, may I ask you a question?”
“Yeah, sure, what is it?” replied the man.

“Daddy, how much money do you make an hour?”
“That’s none of your business! What makes you ask such a thing?” the man said angrily.

“I just want to know. Please tell me, how much do you make an hour?” pleaded the little girl.
“If you must know, I make $20.00 an hour.”

“Oh, ” the little girl replied, head bowed. Looking up, he said, “Daddy, may I borrow $10.00 please?”

The father was furious.

“If the only reason you want to know how much money I make is just so you can borrow some to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense, then you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed. Think about why you’re being so selfish. I work long, hard hours everyday and don’t have time for such childish games.”

The little girl quietly went to her room and shut the door.

The man sat down and started to get even madder about the little girl’s questioning. How dare she ask such questions only to get some money.

After an hour or so, the man had calmed down, and started to think he may have been a little hard on his daughter. May be there was something she really needed to buy with that $10.00 and he really didn’t ask for money very often.

The man went to the door of the little girl’s room and opened the door. “Are you asleep daughter?” he asked.
“No daddy, I’m awake,” replied the daughter.

“I’ve been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier,” said the man. “It’s been a long day and I took my aggravation out on you. Here’s that $10.00 you asked for.”

The little girl sat straight up, beaming. “Oh, thank you daddy!” he yelled. Then, reaching under her pillow, she pulled out some more crumpled up bills.

The man, seeing that the girl already had money, started to get angry again. The little girl slowly counted out her money, then looked up at the man.

“Why did you want more money if you already had some?” the father grumbled. “Because I didn’t have enough, but now I do,” the little girl replied.

“Daddy, I have $20.00 now. Can I buy an hour of your time?”

Moral of the story - No matter how busy you are, make sure you have time for your children...

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Our Life...

One day of the many days. There was a man traveling on a trip with his wife and kids. And on the way he met someone standing in the roadway.

So he asked him: Who are you? He said: I am the money.
So the man asked his wife and kids: Should we ask him to ride with us?

They said together: Yes, of course because with the money it can help us if we wanted to do anything, and if we wanted to get anything we desired, so they took the money to ride with them.

And the vehicle continued its way until the man met someone else on the road.
So the Father asked: Who are you? He said: I am the high position and power.
So the father asked his wife and kids: Should we ask him to ride with us?

So they all answered together in one voice: Yes, of course because with the high position and power we have the ability to do anything we want and own anything we desired.

So they took the high position and power with them and the vehicle continued to finish its trip.

And likewise he met in the same manner many people which give the pleasures and desires of this life, UNTIL..They met one person on the way..

The Father asks him: Who are you? He said: I am the Deen (Islam).

So the father, wife, and kids said all together in one voice: No, no, this isn't the time, we desire the pleasures of this life and dunyah, and the Deen will prevent us and ban us from these things and it will take control over us, and we will be worn-out from being loyal to it and its learning. And the halal and the Haram, and this thing prayer and that thing hijab, and this fasting, and and and and and etc. It will be a burden upon us!!!

But what is certain is that we will definitely return for you to pick you up but only after we enjoy this life and everything in it.

So sadly they left him behind and the vehicle continued its trip.

And out of no where something appeared in the middle of the road. It was a check point in the road and it had a sign saying STOP!!!

And they found a man gesturing for the father to get out of the vehicle.

So the man said to the father: The trip has ended as far as you are concerned!!! And it is upon you to get out and come with me.

The father was shocked with fear and didn't say a word.

So the man said to him: I am searching for the DEEN (Islam), is he with you?

He answered: No I left him not too far back. So if you can let me go back, I can get him for you.

You do not have the ability to go back, your trip has ended and there is no going back now..returning is impossible said the man.

But I have the money, the high position and power, my wife, my kids, and and and and and and on.

The man said to him: They will not benefit you nor will they protect you in front of Allah. Not one bit!

And you will leave all of this, and not one of them will help you except for The Deen (Islam) you know? The one which YOU left back in the road.

So the father asked: And who are you exactly? I AM DEATH.

The one which you were needless of and didn't take into account in your trip!!

The father looked at his vehicle and found his wife taking control of it and continuing the trip with all of its passengers but him.

And none of them stayed with him, and none of them helped him in any way.

His Majesty said:

"Say: If it be that your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your mates, or your kindred; the wealth that ye have gained; the commerce in which ye fear a decline: or the dwellings in which ye delight - are dearer to you than Allah, or His Messenger, or the striving in His cause;- then wait until Allah brings about His decision: and Allah guides not the rebellious."

Qur'an 9:24

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Erti Sebuah Pertunangan...

 Ya bertunang atau dalam istilah arabnya 'khitbah'..

Empunya diri tiada berpengalaman. Belum lagi hadir insan bertuah yang disarungkan cincin oleh bonda tercinta. Biar masa dan ketika yang menentukannya. Menghadirkan diri dalam beberapa buah majlis pertunangan, sambil berwacana mesra dengan mereka yang sudah berpengalaman merasa pahit manisnya alam ini, terutama dengan bonda, saya menguatkan hati untuk menulis..

Ada yang bertunang sebulan, 2 bulan, 2 tahun dan ada juga yang bertunang sejurus sebelum akad sang pengantin lelaki menghalalkan hubungan..

Ada 5 dulang, dilawan balik 7 dulang. Macam-macam ada..

Ayah si lelaki menjual pantun 4 keratnya. Terkulat-kulat wakil pihak perempuan mahu berpencak pantun. Bunga-bunga bahasa adat diserikan dengan latar dan dialek keluarga yang mungkin berbeza. Kelantan bertemu Johor, Kedah pula bertandang ke Selangor..

Si lelaki siap bersut Melayu lengkap, bertengkolok Hang Tuah, keris lok tujuh tersisip di pinggang, masih menunggu di dalam kereta di luar rumah. Si hawa siap menunggu di pelaminan, mesra, senyum lupa dunia..

Bicara tidak akan saya halakan kepada realiti dan adat bertunang di nusantara Melayu. Kerana itu lebih kepada uruf atau adat yang bersifat harus. Ada tiada masalah, ditiadakan juga tidak merencatkan apa-apa asal majlis sesuai syariat..

Sunnahnya RAHSIA..

Kahwin SUNNAHnya digembar-gemburkan. Sekampung sebandar diajak merayakan detik bahagia mempelai sejoli, didoakan di pelaminan..

Namun, bertunang sama sekali berbeza dengan perkahwinan.180 darjah terbalik arahnya. SUNNAHnya pertunangan itu dirahsiakan..

Nabi S.A.W. ada mengingatkan kpd kita..
“Rahsiakan pertunangan dan iklankan (maklumkan) tentang perkahwinan.”
(Riwayat Ahmad daripada Abdullah bin Zubair Radhiyallahu ‘anhu dan disahihkan oleh Albani dalam Irwa’ al-Ghalil)

Benda baik, kenapa perlu dirahsiakan??
Ini mungkin menjadi suatu tanda tanya bagi mereka yang kurang memahami..

Pertunangan adalah suatu janji untuk berkomitmen ke arah pernikahan. Benda baik, menikah..Komitmen boleh luntur, janji boleh berubah arah. Kerana namanya manusia.

Tetapi jalan ke arah pernikahan itu juga tidak sunyi dari gangguan syaitan dan nafsu.

Pertunangan bukan TIKET untuk MENGHALALKAN hubungan antara seorang adam dan hawa. Tunang bukanlah LESEN untuk mencuba-cuba sebarang bentuk perkara yang boleh dilakukan pasca perkahwinan. Batasnya tetap sama, persis sebelum pertunangan. Haram disentuh dibelai mesra, berdosa kalau asyik SMS " Saya sayang awak, mmmuaah", setiap pergerakan dalam 24 jam direkodkan kepada si dia. Tidak boleh keluar berdua-duaan sama ada di tempat khalayak apatah lagi di zon sunyi sepi..

Tidak ubah bak irama kapel yang didendangkan oleh anak remaja zaman sekarang.

Pendek kata, RAHSIA itu akan menjauhkan FITNAH. Suara-suara sumbang akan beredar ke udara. Gosip-gosip liar akan berkeliaran menyebar ke telinga-telinga yang suka mendengarnya..

"Ala bertunang je pun. Tunang dia pun bukan baik sangat.."
"Pakai cincin tunang. Saja je nak menunjuk tu!!"
"Apa la yang dia guna-gunakan sampai mamat tu jatuh hati, sampai bertunang lagi!!"

Dan kalau ditakdirkan pertunangan itu tidak sampai menginjak pelamin..

"Kan tengok, Tuhan balas balik kat dia. Mana layak dia untuk laki tu!!"
"Padan muka. Siapa suruh menunjuk-nunjuk cincin. Kan betul-betul tak jadi!!"
"Ubat pengasih dah tamat tempoh la tu. Biar dia pula yang merasa!!"

Lihat..Apa yang boleh terjadi. Aroma fitnah menjadi semboyan yang cukup gah untuk menjatuhkan maruah seorang perempuan mahupun seorang lelaki. Tidak semua orang akan memahami dalam konteks yang benar tentang erti sebuah pertunangan..

Betapa cantik dan indahnya Islam. Bertunang dibenarkan dan disuruh dirahsiakan sebolehnya...

Sistem Nilai..

"Apa salahnya. Mak dia pun bagi keluar!!"

Boleh sahaja seorang lelaki akan melenting apabila dikiaskan sindiran apabila mahu keluar bermesraan dengan tunangnya. Ibu dan bapa bakal mertua pun memberi lampu hijau asalkan si perempuan diusung balik dengan keadaan sihat wal a'fiat..

"Sebelum pukul 10 malam tau pulang!!" Laung si ibu dari ruang tamu, sambil anak mata mengekori pasangan tunang bak belangkas tadi..

'Sporting' kata orang zaman sekarang. Tersenyum bangga bakal mertua, digelar 'sporting' oleh bakal menantu.

Rosak sistem..

Terlingkup akhlak..

Apa yang boleh saya komentari, salah dan betul bukan kebenaran ibu bapa sandarannya. Pegangan kita berpaksikan salah dan betul di sisi Allah dan Rasul. Kalau ibubapa berada pada jalur yang sama, taatlah pada mereka. Seandainya tidak begitu, pilihan kita adalah pada Allah dan Rasul terlebih dahulu..

Umpama disuruh ibu supaya memakan najis sendiri, saya percaya tiada akal yang waras akan melakukannya kerana ia bertentangan dengan fikiran manusiawi. Begitu juga sistem nilai. Kalau masih elok perjalanannya, turuti terus nasihat ibubapa..Jika sebaliknya, anda punya sistem nilai sendiri. Timbanglah buruk baiknya sehabis mungkin.

Ada nilai dosa dan pahala di situ..

Antara Syurga dan Neraka barang perjudiannya..

Habis tu...

" Baik tak payah gatal-gatal nak bertunang kalau camtu!!"

Bertunang adalah zon dedikasi dan komunikasi..
Punya tunangan juga zon ujian dan cabaran..

Si lelaki mula mengenali bagaimanakah nanti perangai dan watak isteri pujangga hatinya. Dialah bakal ibu bagi zuriatnya. Sekali tersalah pilih, merana seumur hidup..

Sang hawa boleh menilik-nilik setahap manakah tanggungjawab dan hormat bakal suami junjungannya. Suamilah tempatnya bakal bergantung harap, tika duka dan suka, pahit dan gembira...

Bakal mertua menguji setakat manakah kesungguhan bakal menantunya. Sang bapa lebih-lebih lagi. Tidak sesenang itu dia melepaskan anak perempuannya yang ditatang dengan minyak yang penuh semenjak kecil, dan sewenang-wenangnya mahu dilepaskan kepada seorang lelaki yang belum teruji kemampuannya..


Muncul pertanyaan yang pelik lagi menghairankan...

Berapa kali boleh SMS dalam sehari?
Berapa lama boleh berbual dalam telefon dan berapa kali seminggu?
'Emel' dan 'chatting' boleh tidak?

Setelah faham akan erti sebuah pertunangan, versi soalan robotik ini muncul bak cendawan tumbuh selepas hujan. Alhamdulillah, benih kefahaman tertancap di sanubari jiwa. Cuma sayangnya, soalan-soalan kaku dan bisu ini menggunakan bahasa akal robotik, tanpa ada siraman perasaan jiwa tadi..

Biasanya, mungkin SMS seminggu atau 2 minggu sekali bertanya khabar. Sihatkah atau bagaimana..Kadang-kadang, SMS boleh mencecah berpuluh-puluh sehari apabila si dia ada masalah nan rumit dan memerlukan pertolongan..

Seringnya, telefon hanya beberapa minit, bertanya khabar, mengeratkan silaturahim, saling bertanya perihal keluarga. Jarang-jarang, adegan bicara di arena telefon boleh bermain angka jam apabila episod pelan perkahwinan dikisahkan..

Neracanya subjektif. Jawapannya bukan antara A atau B, mungkin sahaja gabungan antara keduanya..

Cukuplah apabila 'penggera' hati sudah mengatakan ini sudah berlebihan dan tidak betul, pandai-pandailah salam penutup bicara disampaikan. Endahkan penggera yang bertempik, jikalau tidak, kelak membakar diri..

"Mintalah fatwa kepada hatimu. Kebaikan itu adalah ketika jiwa dan hati menjadi tenang kepadanya. Sedangkan al-itsm (dosa) adalah yg membingungkan jiwa dan meragukan hati. (HR Muslim)

Bertunang: YA atau TIDAK ?

Melihat definisi Islam, apabila telah bersetuju kedua-dua belah pihak lelaki dan perempuan, itulah namanya BERTUNANG atau KHITBAH. Hanya adat Melayu, berdulang pantun dan bersarung cincin..

Segalanya terpulang pada diri sendiri.

Bertunang itu WASILAH menuju sebuah akad ' misaqan ghalizaa', ikatan yang kukuh lagi kuat..

Seandainya pada wasilah bertunang itu sudah terdapat pencemaran maksiat, maruah sudah ternoda hina, jangan sesekali mahu bermimpi sebuah bahtera perkahwinan mawaddah warahmah, kekal ke akhir hayat sehidup semati, akan muncul dalam kehidupan anda..

Ia bukan suis automatik, boleh dikawal selia sesuka hati sesedap rasa, bila-bila ketika. Bertunang adalah proses dengan prosedur.

Terlebih gula, tercampak sekilo garam, tertumpah cuka sebotol ke dalam kuali, bermimpilah anda mahu merasa keenakan masakan..

Silap-silap boleh menjadi penyebab sakit perut..
Pandang-pandang, jeling-jeling..
Toleh kanan, toleh kiri..
Moga-moga 'masakan' kita semua enak di mulut, sedap di hati..

Friday, July 22, 2011

Buatmu Mujahid...

Ku biarkan rinduku bermukim,
Tidakku biarkan lagi resahku bermusim,
Ku biarkan ingatanku meruntun,
Tidakku biarkan lagi pengharapanku beralun.

Biarkan rinduku seringkali menggamit,
Ingatanku padamu akan tergaris,
Bila resahku mendesah,
Jawapanmu tidak lagi keluh kesah,
Cinta yang bertandang jua impian yang mendatang,
Keraguanku takkan lagi menjadi penghalang.

Untuk seketika biarku simpan rinduku di sudut kalbu,
Untuk sementara biarku pendam cintaku di segenap sukma,
Cintaku satu perasaan yang tidak dapat dipelajari tetapi dialami,
Cintaku ini hanyalah secebis dari erti kehidupan,
Uniknya cinta kerana ia menjelmakan kasih sayang yang teragung dan suci,
Ku percaya manusia membina sahsiah diri di muka bumi,
Bermodalkan kasih sayang dan cinta.

Walau air mataku mengalir tidak henti,
Sederas air sungai tika musim tengkujuh,
Namun ku yakin, perlahan-lahan duka dan sedih itukan berlalu pergi,
Hatiku bak pohon semalu disentuh terus menguncup layu,
Hatiku jua bagai kaca bila diketuk retaknya ke seluruh sudut,
Hati…..berlagulah hanya dalam sepi,
Tabahlah menanggung beban duka sendiri.

Janji dan azamku….
Kan ku perbataskan perbuatanku,
Kan ku singkatkan perbualanku,
Kan ku sukat gerak dan gayaku,
Kan ku pelihara kesucian dan maruah diriku,
Tidakkan ku terlalu murah senyumanku dengan mana-mana lelaki ajnabi.

Kerna ku tahu jua ku mengerti.
Wanita solehah itu dipandang dari peribadinya,
Dilihat dari akhlaknya,
Ditinjau dari lemah-lembutnya,
Ditafsirkan dari susunan kata-katanya,
Kegagahan wanita berdiri di atas teguh imannya,
Dari sini wanita jua diriku diketahui segalanya.

Pandanglah kataku,
Renunglah dengan mata hatimu setulusnya,
Selamilah dasar hatiku berbisiklah pada dirimu,
Ambillah mutiara kata yang baik buat teladan,
Tinggalkan kata-kataku yang menyimpang dari landasan kebenaran.

Seperti katamu yang ku semat di hatiku,
Hati ini milik-Nya,
Cinta ini kerana-Nya,
Hidup ini semestinya untuk-Nya.

Pandangan mata selalu menipu,
Pandangan akal selalu tersalah,
Pandangan nafsu selalu melulu,
Dan pandangan hatilah yang hakiki,
Ketika iman sudah menghias hati,
Dan kemanisannya mula dikecapi,
Semua ujian tidak akan menggugat diri,
Kesunyian…kesedihan dan kekecewaan akan berganti,
Dengan keyakinan dan kesyukuran.

Jika tidak ku perhati hikmahnya dengan mata hati,
Jika tidak ku zuhud dalam pencarian cintaku,
Jika tidak ku teguh mengukir senyum buat pengubat kerunsingan,
Jika tidak ku seikhlas jiwa semurni sanubari memohon keampunan-Nya,
Jika tidak ku titiskan air mata keinsafan,
Jika tidak ku renung dan resapkan keyakinanku pada-Nya,
Jika tidak ku pasrah dengan ketentuan-Nya,
Mana mungkin ku dambakan kasih-Nya dalam iman…?
Bagaimana pula boleh ku mengharap redha dari-Nya…

- Ruuhul Hubbi -

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Colours Of Friendship...

Sharing this interesting piece. Found this piece on the internet some years back, and had kept it since...

Once upon a time, the colours of the world started to quarrel.
All claimed that they were the best; the most important, the most useful, and the most favourite.

GREEN said :
"Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of life and hope. I was chosen for grass, trees and leaves. Without me, all animals would die. Look over the countryside and you will see that I am in the majority."

BLUE interrupted :
"You only think about the earth, but consider the sky and the sea. It is the water that is the basis of life and drawn up the clouds from the deep sea. The sky gives space and peace and serenity. Without my peace, you would all be nothing."

YELLOW chucked :
"You are all so serious. I bring laughter, gaiety, and warmth into the world . The sun is yellow, the moon is yellow, the stars are yellow. Everytime you look at a sunflower, the whole world starts to smile. Without me there would be no fun."

ORANGE started to blow her trumpet :
"I am the colour of health and strength. I may be scarce, but I am precious for I serve the needs of human life. I carry the most important vitamins. Think of carrots, pumpkins, oranges, mangoes and papayas. I don't hang around all the time, but I fill the sky at sunrise or sunset, my beauty is so striking that no one gives another thought to any of you."

RED could stand it no longer, he shouted out :
" I am the ruler of all of you. I am blood - life's blood! I bring fire into the blood. I am willing to fight for a cause. I am the color of danger and of bravery. Without me, the earth would be as empty as the moon. I am the colour of passion and of love, the red rose, the poinsettia and the poppy."

PURPLE rose up to his full tall height :
"I am the color of power. I am the sign of authority and wisdom. People do not question me! They listen and obey."

Finally INDIGO spoke, much more quietly than all the others, but with just as much determination :
"Think of me. I am the colour of silence. You hardly notice me, but without me you all become superficial. I represent thought and reflection, twilight and deep water. You need me for balance and contrast, for inner peace."

So the colours went on boasting, each convinced of his or her own superiority.
Their quarreling became louder and louder.
Suddenly there was a startling flash of bright lightening.
Thunder rolled and boomed.
Rain started to pour down relentlessly.
The colours crouched down in fear, drawing close to one another for comfort.

In the midst of the clamor, rain began to speak :
"You foolish colours, fighting amongst yourselves, each trying to dominate the rest!
Don't you know that you were each made for a special purpose, unique and different?
Join hands with one another and come to me."
Doing as they were told, the colours united and joined hands.

The rain continued :
"From now on, when it rains, each of you will stretch across the sky in a great bow of color as a reminder that you can all live in peace. The Rainbow is a sign of hope for tomorrow."

And so, whenever a good rain washes the world, and a Rainbow appears in they sky, let us remember to appreciate one another.....

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Repent The Day Before You Die...

Anfal, a rich young girl, sat waiting impatiently at the doctor’s clinic to get the results of a medical test. She was in a hurry to attend a party and feared she might be late for her appointment with the hairdresser. She never thought the result would be anything important. It was just a precaution insisted upon by her family.

She had never suffered any serious illness, apart from the odd ache in her never suffered any serious illness, apart from the odd ache in her limbs. Then, it was her turn to see the doctor. She hurried inside to get it over with as quickly as possible. She was surprised to see the doctor look sad and concerned as he asked, “Is this yours?” She answered, “No, it is my daughter’s.”

She wanted to know the truth and thought that perhaps he would hide the truth, if she told him it was her own. He asked her to have a seat, so she sat feeling somewhat afraid. She looked at him anxiously, as he said,“Why did not you send a man to get the results?”

Anfal said, “It was on my way so there was no need to send someone else.”The doctor looked sadly at her and said, “You seem to be an educated girl. You understand the nature of life.”He stopped talking, and she began to tremble.

She asked, “What do you mean doctor?”The doctor said, “The result indicates that there is a blood disease.” He looked down at his papers and remained silent. Anfal had to ask him to give her more information. She cried in fear, “Is it cancer?”He did not look at her, but a cloud of sadness covered his face. It was as if he was sentencing her to death.She said in a broken voice, “I am finished then.”

The doctor knew then that she had lied, but it was too late to hide the truth. He looked kindly at her and said, “I am sorry for you. Why did you lie? Anyway life and death are matters within Allah’s power. Many sick people live long and many healthy ones die.”Anfal felt as if she were drowning, as if a hard fist was cruelly squeezing her heart. She tried hard to regain her strength and said, “I do apologize. Thank you doctor.”

The doctor encouraged her saying, “Be strong and optimistic. Medical science is constantly progressing. Some of today’s incurable sicknesses can be cured tomorrow I still have hope. Leave me your telephone number.” She repeated the number automatically without knowing what she was saying. Feeling great shock and bitterness, she again thanked the doctor and left.

At home she kept the truth to herself. She did not know how to share it. Anyway, everyone was busy, getting ready for the party. Her mother asked, “Have you been to the doctor? Why did not you go to the hairdresser?” It was just a by-the-way question, needing no answer. She briefly said, “I am not going to the party !”She went upstairs into her room and locked the door.She stretched out on her bed fully clothed and listened to her family’s voices, as if they were coming from a far away place. The wind seemed to her to be a funeral sad tune, lamenting her approaching death.

The bedroom seemed strange to her as she would be leaving it soon. What about the house? It would not remember her. She was just a guest. Others would take her room and soon forget her. She tried to cry but tears did not help. She looked around her in pain. Those curtains that she had tried so hard to get, would stay after her.

It would not have mattered if they had been made of the roughest fabric, she would leave them for others. She wished she had not troubled herself for such things. She wished she had saved her time and money for more useful things, which could have been helpful to her in her difficulty.She wondered, “What is useful to me?”

She was young, beautiful and rich with everything her heart could desire. Could anything help her and save her from death? She had always longed for an official job with a good salary. She had it, but could it save her from death?

An idea struck her. She hurried to the phone while everyone was away. She dialed the doctor’s number and asked eagerly, “If I travel abroad can I find a cure?”He said, “There is nothing new abroad. It is a waste of money.”She put the phone down and sat on a nearby chair.Her salary would not change matters.

She walked through the house’s rooms as if saying her farewells. She paced the small garden and looked at the trees. She whispered, “I wish these trees knew I am leaving them, those stones, walls…I wish these doors knew my hands will soon no longer open them. I wish those flowers, that I planted and watered knew. How often the thorns and hard stones tore my hands! How often I watered those dying flowers with my tears when there was no water.

I wish they knew the meaning of my departure. These fruiting trees were tiny when I planted them. I did my best to help them flourish until they grew up healthy and fruitful. Will they know I am soon leaving? Will they remember my days in their company? What about these seats, I used to rest on. Will they miss my presence? Will they be ready for someone else to settle on them? My writing desk felt my writing in tears and in smiles, does it know I am leaving? Will it miss my pen and papers in its drawers?

I wish they all knew I am leaving. I wish I had known I was leaving, then I would not have cared so much for this life. I would not have felt proud and arrogant…Had I known I were a guest in this world I would not have been cheated or tempted by its luxuries… Had I known this I would have been aware that leaving a simple life is easier than leaving a luxurious one… Had I lived a simple life, I would not have found it difficult to cross from this world to the next. My family is now enjoying the party…how often I longed for such parties, how much I cared for fashion and hairstyles! Can they help me now?”

Anfal threw herself down on the nearest chair as if she had realized a truth previously unknown to her. She said, “What shall I take with me? Nothing but the coffin and my deeds. What kind of deeds will go with me on my long journey? Nothing! Yes, nothing!” She remembered her friend Sarah, who used to advise her and guide her to the right path of Allah.

She used to remind her of the Qur’anic verse: …and make provision, for the provision is the guarding of oneself. (AI-Baqarah:239)

She had never considered the importance of good deeds. Now she was in need of such deeds to present to Allah. She would stand to give her account, but what would she say? How could she expect Allah’s mercy when she disobeyed His orders? How could she ask for forgiveness when she never even thought of obeying Him in her life’s affairs?

She wished she had read the Holy Qur’an instead of all those cheap novels. She wished she had gained some knowledge of her religion instead of reading film-star magazines. She continued wishing she had done few things, and not done other things. She wished she had not angered this person or that, and had never lied or gossiped about anyone. She wished she had not been proud and despised the poor.

She said, “I wish I could start my life all over again to make-up for my errors and to obey Allah’s orders. I worshipped my desires and ignored my Creator. I wish I could live for a while to make up for my sins.”

She remembered a Qur’anic verse, her grandfather used to recite: Until when death overtakes one of them he says: Send me back, my Lord. Haply I may do good in that which I have left. By no means! It is a mere word that he speaks, and before them is a barrier until the day they are raised. (AI-Mominoon:99)

Here she said, “Oh God, I do mean it…”

Tears burst from her eyes. She cried bitterly in repentance, not pain. She decided to obey Allah in all His orders if she lived a bit longer. The phone rang and she walked towards it lazily. Tears in her eyes she said, “Yes?”

Someone said, “Can I speak to Miss Anfal?” She knew the speaker. It was her doctor.

She said, “Yes, speaking.”The doctor said cheerfully, “Congratulations my daughter! There is nothing wrong with you. Thank God!”

She was stunned with surprise. She did not know what to say. “No disease? How? You are joking, doctor!”

The doctor said, “May Allah protect me I am not joking. I have just got an apology from the analyst. He explained that there was a mix-up with the names. Your name was written instead of someone else. I have your medical report here in front of me. You are quite well. Be thankful to Allah my daughter.”

Excitedly she said, “Thanks be to Allah, Thank you doctor.”

She put the phone down, feeling as if she was new born. She knew she was safe for a while, but death would certainly come one day. She had no time to waste. However long she lived she was a guest. The first thing she did was to perform her prayer, which she had neglected for a long time. She promised Allah to obey His orders to pray, fast, and stick to wearing decent clothes. She would also give up whatever Allah had forbidden. In order not to forget this, she wrote the Qur’anic verse on a placard and hung it on the wall. On the other side she wrote a wise saying:

“Repent the day before you die. Because you do not know when you will die, then always be repentant.”

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My Dream...

The guy I want my future with,
The guy I want to marry,
The guy I want to cater for, in everyway.
When he is sad, alone & scared.

I want to be there to let him cry on my shoulder,
Confined in me & trust me.

I want to go to bed after Isyak &
Wake up in the morning with him by my side before Fajr.

I want to bore his kids,
Bring them up, seeing the beauty of ALLAH.

When he is ill, weak with no strength,
I want to be by his bedside,
And tell him stay strong, everything will be alright,
Through every tear, & every hardship,
ALLAH will be by our side.

I want to grow old with him,
I want to die in his arms with kalimah syahadah &
To be with him in Jannah.

Insya Allah...

Ameen Ya Rabb.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Bagaimana Mereka Menguruskan Cinta..

Ketertarikanmu kepada si dia itu lumrah. Fitrah yang Allah hadirkan. Setiap fitrah ada peraturannya. Fitrah makan pun ada peraturan, inikan pula fitrah cinta. Oleh sebab itu, wajarkah anda mencipta langkah seterusnya tanpa membelek sedikit pun peraturan yang Allah telah tetapkan?

Sanggupkah dirimu mencipta sebuah kenangan cinta tanpa peraturan? Penuh maksiat hati. Menjalar pula pada maksiat perbuatan.

Remajaku sayang, bukan dirimu sahaja yang mengalami rasa cinta, malah semua orang tidak akan terkecuali termasuk para rasul, sahabat dan orang soleh. Bezanya bagaimana mereka menguruskan perasaan itu? Bagaimana pula kita menguruskannya?

Ibn al-Qayyim menukil indah dalam bukunya Raudhah Al-Muhibbin tentang kisah Saidatina Fatimah Al-Zahra pada malam pertamanya. Fatimah, puteri Rasulullah berkata kepada suaminya Saidina Ali: "Kanda, dulu sebelum kita nikah, dinda teringin sangat nak jadi isteri seseorang. Dinda sangat menggaguminya."

Dengan penuh cemburu, Saidina Ali bertanya: "Habis tu, dinda menyesalkah nikah dengan kanda?" Si isteri menjawab dengan senyuman terukir di bibir: "Tidak kandaku sayang, kerana orang itu adalah kanda."

Kisah ini menjadi salah satu bukti jelas bahawa puteri Rasulullah sendiri pernah memendam perasaan cinta kepada Saydina Ali, menggaguminya, merindui dan memasang impian untuk hidup bersamanya.

Namun, adakah si gadis beriman itu berani menghantar surat tanpa pengetahuan wali, berhubung melalui burung merpati, mengatur dating di belakang pohon kurma, atau membonceng unta bersama kekasihnya?

Begitu juga Saidina Ali, adakah dia melalaikan Fatimah dengan janji-janji kosong sebelum menikah? Adakah dia meredah hak wali dengan terus mengurat gadis idamannya? Adakah dia terburu-buru merebut cinta Fatimah yang turut diimpikan oleh Saidina Abu Bakar dan Umar dengan membawanya lari? Adakah dia meminang Fatimah ketika tidak membina kualiti diri?

Kita pula, bagaimana menguruskan perasaan fitrah kita kepada si dia? Adakah dengan jalan yang menghampiri zina atau dengan jalan yang menghampiri barakah?

Sama-sama kita renungkan.

- Fatimah Syarha -

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Dear Sisters...

Always remember that a good and trustworthy Muslim man is the one who would treat girls around him exactly the way he wants his sister to be treated by other men (non mahram).

If he wants his sister to be respected by other men, he would treat girls around him with respect.

If he doesn't want that his sister be hurt or brokenhearted by any man, he wouldn't hurt or break the heart of any girl he meets.

If he doesn’t allow his sister to have a boyfriend, he wouldn’t let himself have a girl friend.

If he doesn’t allow his sister to have male friends he wouldn’t let himself have any female friends!

Muslim men like that are few, but they exist alhamdulillah. ♥

May Allah guide us and all our brothers in Islam to the right path.
Ameen ya Robb.

- I got this one from my friend Asmaa from Tunis.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Renungan Buat Para Suami...

Ada aku peduli isteri dan anak-anakku sudah makan atau belum...
Ada aku peduli jika isteriku tak sempat makan kerana sibuk melayan anak-anak....
Ada aku peduli jika isteriku masih di dapur menyediakan keperluan pagi esok ketika aku sedang berdengkur...
Ada aku peduli siapa yang membelikan sabun mandi, ubat gigi dan meletakkannya di dalam bilik aku bersiram....
Ada aku peduli dah berapa lama isteri aku begitu setia menggosok kain bajuku...
Ada aku peduli bagaimana layanan yg isteriku dambakan dari aku seorang suami...
Ada aku peduli apa perasaan isteriku bila aku pulang ke rumah dengan wajah kusam dan masam....
Ada aku peduli adakah wang yang masih bersisa utk isteri dan anakku ketika aku hendak kepergian....
Ada aku peduli apa perasaan isteriku bila aku tidak pernah menelefonnya ketika aku bertugas di luar.....
Ada aku peduli berapa harga gincu jika isteriku ingin memerahkan bibir yang pudar ditelan masa....
Ada aku peduli bilakah kali terakhir aku menghadiahkan minyak wangi kepada isteriku...
Ada aku peduli bila kali terakhir aku membelikan pakaian utk wanita yg rela menjadi isteriku...menjadi ibu anak-anakku...
Ada aku peduli kenapa isteriku terlelap bersama linangan airmata....
Ada aku peduli jika isteriku terjaga di tengah malam kerana dengkurku......dan aku terus nyenyak tidur dibuai mimpi indah seorang lelaki....


Ketika telefon isteriku berdering di malam hari...
Ketika isteriku mula belajar ber'sms'..dan berchatting...
Ketika isteriku kembali berhias seperti ketika aku mula jatuh hati padanya...
Ketika isteriku sanggup tidak makan malam kerana mahu menjaga badan
Ketika isteriku tidak meminta lagi aku menjadi imamnya....
Ketika isteriku memilih tidur bersama anak-anakku.....
Ketika dia tidak lagi mencium tanganku ketika aku hendak pergi...

Kini, aku baru ingin bertanya kenapa isteriku dah tak peduli padaku?

P/s : Tidak ada manusia yang sempurna baik suami ataupun isteri. Jangan mengharap dilayan seperti raja jika kita tidak pernah menganggap isteri itu permaisuri hati kita. Jangan diharap bunga yang indah jika kita tidak pernah membajanya. Dan selalulah ingat, bila hati seorang wanita telah retak, dia boleh menjadi lebih keras daripada seorang lelaki.

- by Ukhty Norhidayu Abdullah.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Long Story..But Worth The Read..

This is a story about a man named Rashed. He tells his story as follows...

I was not more than thirty years old when my wife gave birth to my first child. I still remember that night.

I had stayed out all night long with my friends, as was my habit. It was a night filled with useless talk, and worse, with backbiting, gossiping, and making fun of people. I was mostly the one who made people laugh; I would mock others and my friends would laugh and laugh. I remember on that night that I'd made them laugh a lot. I had an amazing ability to imitate others – I could change the sound of my voice until I sounded exactly like the person I was mocking. No one was safe from my biting mockery, even my friends; some people started avoiding me just to be safe from my tongue. I remember on that night, I had made fun of a blind man who I'd seen begging in the market. What was worse, I had put my foot out in front him – he tripped and fell, and started turning his head around, not knowing what to say.

I went back to my house, late as usual, and I found my wife waiting for me. She was in a terrible state, and said in a quivering voice, "Rashed... where were you?"

"Where would I be, on Mars?" I said sarcastically, "With my friends of course."

She was visibly exhausted, and holding back tears, she said, "Rashed, I'm so tired. It seems the baby is going to come soon." A silent tear fell on her cheek.

I felt that I had neglected my wife. I should have taken care of her and not stayed out so much all those nights... especially since she was in her ninth month. I quickly took her to the hospital; she went into the delivery room, and suffered through long hours of pain.

I waited patiently for her to give birth… but her delivery was difficult, and I waited a long time until I got tired. So I went home and left my phone number with the hospital so they could call with the good news. An hour later, they called me to congratulate me on the birth of Salem. I went to the hospital immediately. As soon as they saw me, they asked me to go see the doctor who had overlooked my wife's delivery.
"What doctor?" I cried out, "I just want to see my son Salem!"

"First go see the doctor," they said.

I went to the doctor, and she started talking to me about trials, and about being satisfied with Allah's decree. Then she said, "Your son has a serious deformity in his eyes, and it seems that he has no vision." I lowered my head while I fought back tears... I remembered that blind man begging in the market who I'd tripped and made others laugh at.

Subhan Allah, you get what you give! I stayed brooding quietly for a while... I didn't know what to say. Then I remembered by wife and son. I thanked the doctor for her kindness, and went to go see my wife. My wife wasn't sad. She believed in the decree of Allah... she was content... How often had she advised me to stop mocking people! "Don't backbite people," she always used to repeat... We left the hospital, and Salem came with us.

In reality, I didn't pay much attention to him. I pretended that he wasn't in the house with us. When he started crying loudly, I'd escape to the living room to sleep there. My wife took good care of him, and loved him a lot. As for myself, I didn't hate him, but I couldn't love him either.

Salem grew. He started to crawl, and had a strange way of crawling. When he was almost one year old, he started trying to walk, and we discovered that he was crippled. I felt like he was an even greater burden on me. After him, my wife gave birth to Umar and Khaled. The years passed, and Salem grew, and his brothers grew. I never liked to sit at home, I was always out with my friends... in reality, I was like a plaything at their disposal [entertaining them whenever they wanted].

My wife never gave up on my reform. She always made Du'aa for my guidance. She never got angry with my reckless behavior, but she would get really sad if she saw me neglecting Salem and paying attention to the rest of his brothers. Salem grew, and my worries grew with him. I didn't mind when my wife asked to enroll him in a special school for the handicapped.

I didn't really feel the passing of the years. My days were all the same. Work and sleep and food and staying out with friends. One Friday, I woke up at 11 am. This was early for me. I was invited to a gathering, so I got dressed and perfumed, and was about to go out. I passed by our living room, and was startled by the sight of Salem – he was sobbing! This was the first time I had noticed Salem crying since he was a baby. Ten years had passed, and I hadn't paid attention to him. I tried to ignore him now, but I couldn't take it... I heard him calling out to his mother while I was in the room. I turned towards him, and went closer. "Salem! Why are you crying?" I asked.

When he heard my voice, he stopped crying. Then when he realized how close I was, he started feeling around him with his small hands. What was wrong with him? I discovered that he was trying to move away from me! It was as if he was saying, "Now, you've decided to notice me? Where have you been for the last ten years?" I followed him... he had gone into his room. At first, he refused to tell me why he'd been crying. I tried to be gentle with him... Salem started to tell me why he'd been crying, while I listened and trembled.

Do you know what the reason was?! His brother Umar, the one who used to take him to the masjid, was late. And because it was Jumu'ah prayer, Salem was afraid he wouldn't find a place in the first row. He called out to Umar... and he called out to his mother... but nobody answered, so he cried. I sat there looking at the tears flowing from his blind eyes. I couldn't bear the rest of his words. I put my hand over his mouth and said, "Is this why you were crying, Salem!"

"Yes," he said.

I forgot about my friends, I forgot about the gathering, and I said, "Don't be sad, Salem. Do you know who's going to take you to the masjid today?"

"Umar, of course," he said, "... but he's always late."

"No," I said, "I'm going to take you."

Salem was shocked... he couldn't believe it. He thought I was mocking him. His tears came and he started crying. I wiped his tears with my hand and then took hold of his hand. I wanted to take him to the masjid by car. He refused and said, "The masjid is near... I want to walk there." Yes, by Allah, he said this to me.

I couldn't remember when was the last time I had entered the masjid , but it was the first time I felt fear and regret for what I'd neglected in the long years that had passed. The masjid was filled with worshippers, but I still found a place for Salem in the first row. We listened to the Jumu'ah khutbah together, and he prayed next to me. But really, I was the one praying next to him.

After the prayer, Salem asked me for a Qura'an. I was surprised! How was he going to read when he was blind? I almost ignored his request, but I decided to humor him out of fear of hurting his feelings. I passed him a Qura'an. He asked me to open the Qura'an to Surat al-Kahf. I started flipping through the pages and looking through the index until I found it. He took the Qura'an from me, put it in front of him, and started reading the Surah... with his eyes closed... Ya Allah! He had the whole Surah memorized.

I was ashamed of myself. I picked up a Qura'an... I felt my limbs tremble... I read and I read. I asked Allah to forgive me and to guide me. I couldn't take it... I started crying like a child. There were still some people in the masjid praying sunnah... I was embarrassed by their presence, so I tried to hold my tears. My crying turned into whimpering and long, sobbing breaths. The only thing I felt was a small hand reaching out to my face, and then wiping the tears away. It was Salem! I pulled him to my chest... I looked at him. I said to myself... you're not the blind one, but I am, for having drifted after immoral people who were pulling me to hellfire. We went back home. My wife was extremely worried about Salem, but her worry turned into tears [of joy] when she found out I had prayed Jumu'ah with Salem.

From that day on, I never missed the congregational prayer in the masjid. I left my bad friends... and I made righteous friends among people I met at the masjid. I tasted the sweetness of Iman with them. I learned things from them that distracted me from this world. I never missed out on gatherings of remembrance [halaqas], or on the witr prayer. I recited the entire Qura'an, several times, in one month. I moistened my tongue with the remembrance of Allah, that He might forgive my backbiting and mocking of the people. I felt closer to my family. The looks of fear and pity that had occupied my wife's eyes disappeared. A smile now never parted from the face of my son Salem. Anyone who saw him would have felt that he owned the world and everything in it. I praised and thanked Allah a lot for His blessings.

One day, my righteous friends decided to go to a far away location for da'wah. I hesitated about going. I prayed istikharah, and consulted with my wife. I thought she would refuse... but the opposite happened! She was extremely happy, and even encouraged me... because in the past, she had seen me traveling without consulting her, for the purpose of sin and evil. I went to Salem, and told him I would be traveling. With tears, he wrapped me up in his small arms...

I was away from home for three and a half months. In that period, whenever I got a chance, I called my wife and talked to my children. I missed them so much... and oh, how I missed Salem! I wanted to hear his voice... he was the only one who hadn't talked to me since I'd traveled. He was either at school or at the masjid whenever I called them.Whenever I would tell my wife how much I missed him, she would laugh happily, joyfully, except for the last time I called her. I didn't hear her expected laugh. Her voice changed. I said to her, "Give my Salaam to Salem," and she said, "Insha'Allah," and was quiet.

At last, I went back home. I knocked on the door. I hoped that it was Salem who would open up for me, but was surprised to find my son Khaled, who was not more than four years old. I picked him up in my arms while he squealed, "Baba! Baba!" I don't know why my heart tensed when I entered the house.

I sought refuge in Allah from the accursed Shaytaan... I approached my wife... her face was different. As if she was pretending to be happy. I inspected her closely then said, "What's wrong with you?" "Nothing," she said. Suddenly, I remembered Salem. "Where's Salem?" I asked. She lowered her head. She didn't answer. Hot tears fell on her cheeks.

"Salem! Where's Salem?" I cried out.

At that moment, I only heard the sound of my son Khaled talking in his own way, saying, "Baba... Thalem went to pawadise... with Allah..."

My wife couldn't take it. She broke down crying. She almost fell to the floor, and left the room. Later, I found out that Salem had contracted a fever two weeks before I'd returned, so my wife took him to the hospital... the fever got more and more severe, and didn't leave him... until his soul left his body...

And if this earth closes in on you in spite of its vastness, and your soul closes is on you because of what it's carrying… call out, "Oh Allah!" If solutions run out, and paths are constricted, and ropes are cut off, and your hopes are no more… call out, "Oh Allah." Allah wished to guide Salem's father on the hands of Salem, before Salem's death.

How merciful is Allah! Indeed...